Creative Skills Training for Businesses

  • Future-proof your business

    Creative thinking is required across all businesses in all industries. It is the crucial element when building a business to out-shine the competition, attract clients, and see profits grow. Without innovation and creativity, your business will suffer from stagnation, when what it really needs is an injection of fun, creative thinking!

  • Innovate

    Ideas are what progress is made of. We can’t expect to see changes in outcomes if we keep using the same inputs. Creative thinking boosts innovation and produces new ideas which can be developed and honed, surprising both customers and competitors! Take time to cultivate ideas, and you’ll reap the rewards in the long-term.

  • Upskill

    Creative thinking is a skill. But one which is accessible to everyone. You just need the tools to access it, and the knowledge to use it. Then you need the practice to make it really work for you and your business! I provide all of this, and more. The tools, strategies, inspiration and ideas on how creative thinking (on a daily basis!) can fit into a busy schedule. It’s so easy when you know how!

  • Have fun!

    Move over boring training sessions, dull workshops and embarrassing ‘bonding’ activities! My sessions are inherently fun. We leave judgement at the door, and there is no pressure to step outside your comfort zone. Creative thinking is a joyful and fun way to work on your business. The wellbeing benefits, the laughter, and the ‘something different’ aspect, all combine to leave participants feeling refreshed, revitalised, full of ideas and motivated to take what they’ve learnt and implement it straight away!

The answer to a stagnant business.

Thrive with creativity

What people have said

  • “Kate cleverly designed an afternoon full of unique and inspiring activities which got us all using our brains in a very different way!”

    Heather - Business Owner

  • “Kate's methodology was a game changer.”

    Sally - Agency Consultant

  • “Loved the way Kate encouraged us to think differently and let go of preconceptions of what creativity should be. Strongly recommend for those looking to shake things up!”

    Jane - Marketing

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It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over our competitors.

William Bernbach